为了解我厂人群感染布鲁氏菌病(下称布病)流行情况,在市防疫站协助下,我们从1984~1991年七年间对全厂一线工人及部分干部进行了三次布病的流行病及血清学的调查;1986年专门一次对血清学阳性者进行追踪调查,现将结果报告如下。 我厂地处郊区新添寨外,拥有职工一千四百多人,主要从事生猪、牛,羊宰杀工作。直接与牲畜接触人员分为宰猪生产线372人,宰牛羊生产线148人,共520人。1984~1991年共进行血清学调查三次,受检共989人次,阳性18人,阳性率1.82%。调查结果证明我厂无布
To understand the prevalence of brucellosis (hereinafter referred to as brucellosis) in our factory population, with the help of the Municipal Epidemic Prevention Station, we conducted three epidemic of brucellosis on the frontline workers and some cadres of the whole plant from 1984 to 1991 Disease and serological survey; 1986 a special serological positive follow-up survey, the results are reported as follows. Our factory is located in the suburbs add Tim Walled, with more than 1,400 employees, mainly engaged in pigs, cattle, sheep slaughtering work. Direct contact with livestock personnel divided into slaughter pig production line 372 people, slaughter cattle and sheep production line 148, a total of 520 people. A total of 989 serological tests were conducted between 1984 and 1991, with 18 positives and a positive rate of 1.82%. Survey results show that I plant no cloth