唐代大文豪柳宗元有诗曰:“梅实迎时雨,苍茫值晓春……素衣今尽化,非为帝京尘”,形象的道出了梅雨时节万物生霉的特征。 每逢六七月间,生活在长江中下游及南方广大地区的人们,都要经历一段阴雨连绵、潮湿闷热的日子。此时正值江南地区梅子成熟,因而俗称“梅雨”。由于这段时间暴雨绵绵不断,气温持续升高,空气湿度大,正是各种霉菌生长繁殖的旺盛时节,故又称为“霉雨”。 “霉雨”造成的物质及经济损失十分惊人。据报载:安徽省某外贸仓库存放着价值数百万元的名贵中药材准备出口待运,由于疏忽了对库存药材的通风出晒,以致全部发霉变质。某地一粮食仓库也是因为仓库通风设施受损,加之管理不力,致使上千吨粮食变成了黄霉
The great writer Liu Zongyuan of the Tang Dynasty said in a poetic statement: “The plum is welcome at the time of rain, the vast value of Xiaochun ... ... full of prime clothing, not for the emperor Beijing dust”, the image of the rainy season tells the truth of all things mildew characteristics. Every six or seven months, people living in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River and the vast southern areas, have to go through a period of rainy, hot and humid day. At this moment, when the plums in Jiangnan region mature, they are commonly called “Meiyu.” As this period of time continuous rain, temperatures continue to rise, the air humidity, it is all kinds of mold growth and reproduction of the season, it is also known as “moldy rain.” The material and economic losses caused by “Moldy Rain” are very alarming. It is reported that some foreign trade warehouses in Anhui Province are stocked with valuable Chinese herbal medicines worth millions of dollars and are ready for export. Due to the negligence of ventilation and drying of the stockpiled medicinal materials, they all become moldy and degenerate. A food warehouse was also damaged because of the ventilation facilities in the warehouse, combined with poor management, resulting in thousands of tons of food becoming yellow mold