本文介绍了c筋在预应力混凝土公路梁桥建设中的应用。该桥为整体现浇25m跨径简支梁,采用CFRP筋中的碳绞线(Carbon Fiber Composite Cable)作为体外预应力束。文中论述了设计中应关注的主要问题,运用理论方法和有限元方法对结构作了全面分析,并在造价上与普通预应力混凝土梁桥作了比较。
This paper introduces the application of c-bar in the construction of prestressed concrete highway beam bridge. The bridge is a cast-in-place 25m span simple-supported beam with carbon fiber composite cables (CFRP) as the prestressed external beam. In this paper, the main problems that should be paid attention to in the design are discussed, the structure is analyzed comprehensively by using the theoretical method and the finite element method, and compared with the ordinary prestressed concrete beam bridge.