缺血性脑卒中后通常伴有肢体功能的障碍,康复锻炼能够影响相关蛋白的表达,从而提高大脑的可塑性,进而促进肢体功能的恢复;m iRNA在蛋白质的表达过程中起着重要的调节作用。意向运动是一种主动运动方式,它能最大限度的调动患者的主观能动性,以获得最佳的康复效果。本文主要就脑可塑性机制、意向运动过程中蛋白质变化、缺血性卒中后m iRNA表达变化以及意向运动促进脑可塑性的可能分子生物学机制进行综述。
Ischemia stroke is usually accompanied by limb dysfunction, rehabilitation exercise can affect the expression of related proteins, thereby enhancing the plasticity of the brain, thus contributing to the recovery of limb function; mRNA in the expression of protein plays an important regulatory role . Intentional exercise is a kind of active exercise, it can maximize the mobilization of patients with subjective initiative, in order to get the best rehabilitation effect. This review focuses on the mechanisms of brain plasticity, protein changes in intentional exercise, changes in m iRNA expression after ischemic stroke, and possible molecular biological mechanisms of intentional exercise to promote brain plasticity.