The Tokugawa Era Social division in Japan The Tokugawa era refers to the period in which the Tokugawa shogunate ruled Japan from the time Tokugawa Ieyasu set up a shogunate in Edo in 1603 until it was forced to return “ . In terms of social system, the Tokugawa era inherited the hierarchy of the four people established by Toyotomi Hideyoshi, ”the society in which the modern society in Japan is based on the identity system of the shennong industry and commerce and the military Is the basic ruling class “[1]. Shi, referring to a warrior, lives at the top of the four people system. During the Tokugawa period, Japanese warriors accounted for about 6.6% of the total population of Japan and was the governing class during the Tokugawa period. Samurai class does not matter production, living far from the land ”town under the town " (that is, the city), receive Luomi living, and