为了解决月基紫外深空观测相机地面定标的难题,研制了一种动态范围大、星等模拟精度高的紫外星模拟器。该模拟器采用5 m离轴光管作为准直光学系统,用双积分球系统作为均匀光源,可模拟3~16等星的弱目标,其星等最小分辨率为0.2等星,星等不确定度为5.48%。通过试验证明,该星模拟器完全满足月基紫外弱光星等深空观测相机地面定标的试验要求,不仅可以在实验室内标定紫外观测相机的探测能力和灵敏度,还可用于测试观测相机的其它参数指标,为发展深空高轨探测相机提供了地面定标基础。
In order to solve the problem of moon-based UV deep space camera calibration on the ground, a kind of ultraviolet star simulator with large dynamic range and high simulating accuracy was developed. The simulator uses a 5 m off-axis light tube as a collimating optical system, and uses a double integrating sphere system as a uniform light source to simulate weak targets such as 3 to 16 stars with a minimum magnitude resolution of 0.2 and other stars. The degree of certainty is 5.48%. The experiment shows that the star simulator fully meets the test requirements of the ground-based calibration of the moon-based UV weak light satellite deep space observation camera, which can not only calibrate the detection capability and sensitivity of the ultraviolet observation camera in the laboratory, but also can be used for testing the observation camera Of the other parameters of the indicators for the development of deep space exploration cameras on the ground provided the basis for calibration.