1998年7月21日,江苏省如皋市人民法院对一起因燃放爆竹不当引起的危险物品肇事刑事附带民事案进行了宣判,被告人吉富红因违反危险物品管理规定肇事罪,被判处有期徒刑一年,缓刑一年六个月,赔偿被害人石海飞经济损失62316.17元,判处被告人黄某、石某分别赔偿被害人石海飞经济损失17804.62元和8902.31元,三人负连带赔偿责任。 1997年12月14日下午,如皋市邮电局聘用人员吉富红受派到该市石北乡楼房村为村民安装电话。在安
On July 21, 1998, the Rugao People’s Court of Jiangsu Province sentenced a civil criminal incident incident involving the dangerous goods caused by improperly firing firecrackers. The defendant, Ji Fuhong, was sentenced to one year imprisonment for violating the provisions on the management of dangerous goods Year, suspended six months a year, to compensate the victim Shihai Fei economic losses of 62,316.17 yuan, sentenced to defendants Hwang, Shimou were compensated victims Shi Haifei economic losses of 17,804.62 yuan and 8,902.31 yuan, three people jointly and severally liable for damages. On the afternoon of December 14, 1997, Ji Fuhong, a recruiter of the post office of Rugao City, was sent to the village building in Shibei Township to install a telephone for the villagers. In safety