喜欢中国书法的人都知道这样一种书写原则:欲上先下,欲左先右。 与此相似,在大成拳训练中,也充满矛盾,如欲松先紧、欲慢先快、欲柔先刚、欲静先动等。 我们称此方法为“反向操作”。反向操作是大成拳的高级训练原则。下面介绍几种反向操作的动作方式。 1.松与紧——松中求紧 在大成拳技击中,紧是运力制敌和发力击敌一刹那的身体状态,是力量凝聚的结果。紧的
People who like Chinese calligraphy know such a writing principle: they want to go first, right and left first. Similarly, during the training of Dacheng Boxing, it is also full of contradictions. For example, if you want to be loose, you want to be slow first, you want to be soft first, and you want to move first. We call this method “reverse operation.” Reverse operation is Dacheng boxing’s advanced training principles. Here are some ways to reverse the action. 1. Loose and Tight - SONGZA Tight Fight In Dacheng Boxing hit, it is the physical condition that forces and enemies hit each other instantly. It is the result of the cohesion of forces. Tight