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早在一百多年前,马克思就指出:“假如利润构不成强大的诱惑力,买卖人也许还有一丝斯文,但当利润猛增到百分之百,甚至百分之二三百,那么,买卖人不仅斯文不起来,而且会铤而走险,连上断头台的危险都肯冒的。”时至今日,随着我国交通运输业的发展,车辆迅猛增加,一些不 As early as a hundred years ago, Marx pointed out: “If the profit structure is not a powerful allure, the businesspeople may still have a glimpse into the market. But when profit soars to 100% or even 230%, then the businesspeople Not only can not Wen Siwen, and will take the risk, even the dangers of guillotine are willing to take. ”Up to now, with the development of China’s transportation industry, the rapid increase of vehicles, some not
【材料】:  排骨适量,姜、葱少许,冰梅酱适量,料酒、老抽、食用油少许。  【做法】:  1.排骨焯水,洗净沥干,姜切丝,葱切段;  2.铁锅内下少许油,爆香姜丝和葱白;  3.下排骨适当翻炒;  4.调入3汤勺冰梅酱、1汤勺老抽、少许料酒翻炒排骨,使其均匀上色;  5.加适量水,中火烧开后,转小火;  6.盖上盖子焖40分鐘左右至排骨松软入味;  7.排骨松软后,撒上葱段即可。  【小贴士】: