李某,女,45岁,患慢性乙型肝炎15年。于1996年11月1日入院.症见全身皮肤及巩膜黄染,腹部膨胀,下肢浮肿,小便黄,大便黑呈柏油状,以病毒性肝炎、肝炎后肝硬化并腹水收入院。入院后予积极治疗,2天后神志渐不清,呼之不应,伴手足躁动,查体;T 37.7℃,P 21次/分,HR 120次/分,心肺听诊(-),腹膨胀,压痛(+),肠鸣音亢进。肝功能示:ALT 114IU/L,AST 161IU/L,ALB 242U/L,
Lee, female, 45 years old, suffering from chronic hepatitis B for 15 years. He was hospitalized on November 1, 1996. The disease showed yellowing of the skin and sclera, swelling of the abdomen, edema of the lower extremities, yellowing of the urine and stool blackness. He was hospitalized with viral hepatitis, cirrhosis and ascites. Active treatment after admission, 2 days after the consciousness gradually blurred, call should not, with hand and foot irritability, physical examination; T 37.7 ℃, P 21 beats / min, HR 120 beats / min, cardiopulmonary auscultation (-), abdominal distension, Tenderness (+), bowel sounds hyperthyroidism. Liver function showed: ALT 114IU / L, AST 161IU / L, ALB 242U / L,