
来源 :财经界(学术版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tronsung123
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随着市场经济体制的确立和现代企业制度的不断完善,财务管理的方法之一就是财务分析,它为领导者带来了重要的判定根据,同时也使经营成果和财务状况一目了然,渐渐的得到了企业的高度重视,形成了一种企业必不可少的管理活动。但是当前我国企业财务分析情况并不十分完美,许多企业对财务分析的重视不够,缺乏相关的专业性人才,有时会给企业带来一系列财务问题,或者造成企业财务隐患。企业的财务分析体系还需要进一步完善和发展。本文阐述了我国企业财务分析的现状,通过总结分析当前国内企业财务部门的问题所在,同时也为改进相关问题、提升对财务分析的认识,指出了符合实际情况的解决方法。 With the establishment of a market economy system and the continuous improvement of the modern enterprise system, one of the methods of financial management is financial analysis, which brings important judgment basis to the leaders, at the same time makes the operating results and financial status clear at a glance and gradually obtains The company attaches great importance to the formation of an essential business management activities. However, the financial analysis of enterprises in our country is not perfect at present. Many enterprises do not pay enough attention to financial analysis and lack the relevant professional talents, which sometimes bring a series of financial problems to the enterprises or cause the financial risks of the enterprises. Enterprise financial analysis system also needs further improvement and development. This article expounds the status quo of financial analysis in China, summarizes and analyzes the current problems in the financial sector of domestic enterprises, and at the same time, it also improves the understanding of the related problems and the financial analysis, and points out the solution to the actual situation.
世界上最有嚼头的主任就是班主任。养成教育是班主任的重要工作之一。班主任的确辛苦,教育对象是一群或呆萌或机灵的小孩子。但是也可以做得很诗意,很幸福。  国外教育家说:“教师在教育孩子的时候,不要忘记自己也曾经是个孩子。”我作为一名班主任,我常常回忆在我和学生一样年龄的时候,我喜欢什么样的老师,那么我就努力成为那样的老师。有两种老师常常令人印象深刻:①温和亲切充满智慧,传授的知识是终身受用的;②严厉刻
内部控制是公益性事业单位内部的管理制度,也是提高公益性事业单位财务管理水平的有效手段,同时对财务机构的合理设立、员工素质的提高都有重大的意义。 Internal control i
进入新世纪以来,国际形势复杂多变的特点尤为突出。日前已爆发的美伊战争,不仅需要我们高度重视、密切跟踪,而且需要深入思考,谋求对策,力争将不利影响减少到最低程度。 Si