叶肥是一种含有氮、磷、钾和硼、铁、镁、钴、钙,锌、锰、铜等多种元素的复合肥料。主要用于作物叶面喷施,短时间内即可为作物提供养分,因此,又称“快速肥料”。又因它比单喷过磷酸钙或磷酸二氢钾溶液效果高,故又称“高效肥料”。喷施叶肥可以节约肥料,防止渗漏,并减少磷酸的固定,是一种理想的辅助肥料。 1972年我们开始研究其配方,1974年与河北省邯郸市轻化局化学工业研究所协作,进行小批量生产,并在张家口、保定、石家庄、邢台、衡水、邯郸等7个地区的25个点进行肥效试验,在小麦、水稻、玉米、棉花、蔬菜,果树等作物上使用,取得较好的增产效果。1976年召开
Leaf fertilizer is a compound fertilizer containing nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and boron, iron, magnesium, cobalt, calcium, zinc, manganese, copper and other elements. Mainly used for crop foliar spray, crop can provide nutrients within a short time, therefore, also known as “fast fertilizer.” Because of its single-spray over calcium phosphate or potassium dihydrogen phosphate solution high effect, it is also known as “efficient fertilizer.” Spraying foliar fertilizer can save fertilizer, prevent leakage, and reduce the phosphate fixed, is an ideal auxiliary fertilizer. In 1972, we started to study the formula, and in 1974, we cooperated with Handan City Bureau of Chemical Industry of Light Industry, Handan City, Hebei Province to conduct small-batch production. At 25 points in 7 districts of Zhangjiakou, Baoding, Shijiazhuang, Xingtai, Hengshui, Handan Fertilizer test, in wheat, rice, corn, cotton, vegetables, fruit trees and other crops used to obtain better yield. Held in 1976