【摘 要】
On Feb..19, 2010, Golfer Tiger Woods apologized for his sexual affairs during a press conference at the headquarters of the PGATour in Florida.' On Feb. 24, Akio Toyoda, the CEO of Toyota, flew halfwa
On Feb..19, 2010, Golfer Tiger Woods apologized for his sexual affairs during a press conference at the headquarters of the PGATour in Florida.' On Feb. 24, Akio Toyoda, the CEO of Toyota, flew halfway across the planet to apologize in Washington:'-"When the cars are damaged, it is as though I am as well."
Every July when I was a child, my parents would pack their bags and go on vacation. My sister and I were left home with our grandparents. We played dodge ball and drank bug juice in the grungy day-cam
these days, there are so many choices to labor through, from the most basic, such as paper or plastic at the grocery checkout counter, to the nearly suicide-inducing such as the friends-and-family pla
1 Huck Fjnn:指Huckleberry Finn,为马克·吐温经典小说《哈克贝利·费恩历险记》的主人公,为美国文学史上著名的富于正义感和叛逆精神的少年形象。
1998年,中国政府将地质矿产部、国家土地管理局、国家海洋局和国家测绘局合并,组建了国土资源部。这里“国土资源”的意思是‘国家的土地与资源’,‘国家’的意思不言而喻,因此国土资源部译成英语便是The Ministry of Land and Resources。2001年“9·11”事件之后不久,美国的政府部门经历了一场大改组(据说是美国历史上最大的一次政府机构重组),成立了一个雇员多达22万多人
1 陈宏,汉能投资集团董事长兼CEO,汉能集团是一家跨境投资银行机构和投资基金管理公司。
树进入我的手掌, 树液涌上我的臂膀, 树在我的胸中生长—— 向下, 树枝从我的身体里长出,像手臂。 你是树, 你是青苔, 你是清风吹拂的紫罗兰。 你是个孩子——那么高洁, 而这一切是多么荒唐。
It is now five years since an event occurred which so colored my life, or rather so changed some of its original colors, that I have thought it well to write an account of it, deeming that its lessons