培养函授大学生的自学能力,是高等函授教育的一项极为重要的任务,也是广大成人教育工作者最关心的问题。下面就如何培养函授生的自学能力谈谈我们的做法和体会。 一、精心选编函授教材,引导学生逐步提高自学能力。 一本适合自学,难易适度的教材,是办好函授大学的首要条件。函授的对象是成年人。他们有不同的学历,水平不齐,思维方式和学习习惯一下子还适应不了大学课程步子大,内容多的情况。再加上学习方式靠自学,可以借阅的参考书又有限。因此编写一本针对他们的
To cultivate the self-learning ability of correspondence college students is an extremely important task of higher correspondence education and also a major concern for the majority of adult education workers. Here’s how to train correspondence students self-learning ability to talk about our practices and experience. First, carefully selected correspondence teaching materials, and guide students to gradually improve self-learning ability. A suitable self-study, easy to moderate textbooks, is the first condition to run a correspondence university. The object of correspondence is an adult. They have different qualifications, different levels, ways of thinking and learning habits at one time can not adapt to the pace of university courses, content and more. Coupled with the learning style by self-study, you can borrow the reference books and limited. So write a copy for them