
来源 :新课程学习(下) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ahutxhb
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新课改下的高中思想政治课的基本理念是“以人为本”“一切为了学生的发展”。因此,要求政治教师树立民主公正、相互尊重的观念,明确学生是学习的主体,教师只是引路人,是学习的合作者,教学由重“教”向重“学”转变,由“一言堂”向师生互动转变。新课程以生活逻辑为主,一改过去那种以理论逻辑为主的做法,这就要求我们贯彻理论联系实际的原则,加强实践性,多让学生动起来,实 The basic idea of ​​high school ideological and political classes under the new curriculum reform is “people-oriented ” “all for the development of students ”. Therefore, political teachers are required to establish the concepts of democracy, fairness, and mutual respect, and make it clear that students are the main body of learning. Teachers are only the guides, and they are collaborators of learning. Teaching changes from “relying” to “relying” and “learning.” “Yiyantang” changes to teacher-student interaction. The new curriculum is based on the logic of life. It has changed the past practice based on theoretical logic. This requires us to implement the principle of combining theory with practice, strengthen practicality, and allow students to move.