Research on Reforming and Innovation of Graphic Creativity Course

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  1 General teaching situation of graphic creativity course
  With the development of the times and changes in people's aesthetic needs, people's sensitivity to graphics is gradually increasing. Creative and interesting graphic designs are often more attractive to people. From the past to modern times, the role of graphics in various products as symbols for disseminating information has not changed, enabling people to know product information clearly. Since graphic creativity is widely used in majors such as product design and visual communication design, teachers need to pay attention to students’ creative and innovative abilities while pursuing fun and novelty in the teaching process, and combine graphic creativity courses with other majors. The combination of curriculum practice content and the change of curriculum teaching mode are of great significance to the improvement of students' professional ability.
  2 Thoughts on the New Teaching Mode of Graphic Creativity
  2.1 Innovate teaching ideas and learning methods improvement
  Firstly, it is necessary for the students to not only fully master the basic knowledge and skills as well as having rich cultural connotations, but also to understand and use modern thinking methods and design concepts. In the process of graphic design, relevant personnel are required to make full use of modern art to improve the quality and level of graphic creative activity. Secondly, for any qualified designer, he/she should have a clear understanding of the industry. While the designer should have a sense of social responsibility to serve the society at the same time. Finally, teachers should organize students to learn more cultural knowledge, in the meantime not to restrict students too much. In addition, teachers should provide students with more practical opportunities as well. Only a large amount of practice can encourage students to truly realize the importance of graphic design, and at the same time can help students gain more direct experience, which in turn encourages students to design truly outstanding works. Graphic design standards should be diverse. So in the design process, teachers should not fix standards or intend to prefer a certain style. They should encourage a variety of design styles, while avoiding traditional stereotypes and encouraging students to have more open thinking, as well as cultivating students' creative ability.
  2.2 Focusing on the connection between classroom learning and extracurricular activities   In the process of practical teaching, teachers can allow students to simulate projects in the classroom, dividing the students into few groups. The recommended person will be put in charge of assigning various tasks and grouping members for collecting materials and discussing plans. The team leader writes down the project classification and direction on the blackboard, while the other students vote and state the reasons for their choice. After the design work is completed, the team leader will give a short presentation. In the process of project operation, students use the knowledge they have learned to solve practical problems, fully mobilize the enthusiasm for learning, gain a sense of accomplishment, and realize the organic combination of theory and practice. Graphic design teachers should not only promote their own knowledge and practical operation ability, but also fully think about graphic creative design elements, concepts, and design thinking methods. In the current era, teachers should not only explain the knowledge in textbooks, but also encourage students to be able to learn in the actual learning process. To discover oneself, we must pay attention to teaching students in accordance with their aptitude, and conduct individual education for students with different basic knowledge levels and personalities, thereby promoting the overall improvement of the teaching quality and teaching effect of graphic creativity courses.
  3 Reform of the teaching method of graphic creativity
  Firstly, it is important to create an entertaining teaching atmosphere. A relaxed and interesting teaching atmosphere helps to stimulate students' enthusiasm for learning, and allows students to actively cooperate with teachers and think about problems in teaching. Such a learning attitude is the key to a student's mastery of knowledge. In the teaching of graphic creative design, teachers can appropriately add some thematic games in combination with the course content. Secondly, the roles of teachers and students should be exchanged. Under the condition of enjoying synchronized resources, teachers should encourage students to share cases. If students can draw inferences about the cases, they should be encouraged to find more relevant cases and share them in the whole class to build a class knowledge base. In this way, the knowledge acquired by students is no longer limited to the teachers, and their own expression ability has also been exercised. Finally, teachers should pay attention to the display and evaluation of learning results. Homework is a direct manifestation of students' learning achievements, which is often difficult for students to discover the shortcomings of their own works. Teachers can organize activities to evaluate homework and select some outstanding works by anonymous voting. The authors can be invited to explain their creative sources, creative methods, and how to solve problems after encountering problems. This evaluation method can fully mobilize the enthusiasm of students to participate. After that, teacher conducts extensive student mutual evaluation, and finally summarizes and guides the students to further improve the work. In addition, holding interesting exhibition activities is also an important way to improve teaching effectiveness.
◆摘 要:在新教育环境下,培养学生核心素养至关重要。但是长期以来,小学数学教育侧重于知识的讲解,使用的教学方法主要以系统的理论知识和解题技巧讲解为主,无法有效培養学生数学学科核心素养。因此,当前探寻培养学生数学核心素养的实践方法是数学教育工作者亟需研究的课题。本文先是系统地介绍了小学数学核心素养内涵,后结合北师大版数学案例探讨了如何培养小学生数学核心素养,旨在促进数学教育的创新发展。  ◆关键词:
一、研究背景  (一)思考:研修单使用现状  随着幼儿建设课程的不断发展,我园在主题审议时以“研修单”为载体,力求帮助教师理清开展主题的路径与过程。但随园所课程的不断深入,在研修单的使用与推进中驱显弊端,主要表现在以下几个方面:  1.表单设计轻经验。主题开展前,教师按部就班地填写各类表单,她们知晓需链接幼儿的年龄、兴趣等方面进行主题目标设定。但实际开展中,教师存在两种样态。①缺少预热环节,②尝试
◆摘 要:学阅读能力是指学生通过阅读化学资料,获取化学知识,并应用这些知识解决化学问题的能力.在近几年的高考化学试卷中,由于试卷长度的增加和信息给予题的大量使用(约占试题总量的35%),对学生化学阅读能力的要求越来越高.那么,如何培养和提高学生的化学阅读能力呢?本文就转化角色、泛读与精读、阅读技巧三个方面谈谈自己在培养和提高学生化学阅读能力的一些做法。  ◆关键词:主动阅读;泛读与精读;阅读技巧 
◆摘 要:群文阅读的重要宗旨就是带领学生们对小说内容进行有效对比,让学生们在学习的过程之中,对于不同作者的写作手法和运用技巧,进行深层次的感悟,从而提升个人的语文素养。本文结合教学实践,分析了在初中教学过程过进行群文阅读的具体方法。  ◆关键词:小说阅读;群文阅读;教学策略  时间飞逝,斗转星移。在时代的浪潮下,人们的审美能力和审美情趣正在悄无声息的变化着。初中生正值人生的黄金时期,意气风发,是培
◆摘 要:在我国社会经济不断进步和高速发展背景下,我国教育领域应该顺应时代发展趋势,做到与时俱进,将现代多元化教学理念和教学手段融入在实际教学中,通过创造教育达到培养学生成为符合时代发展需求的高质量综合型优秀人才,促进学生日后获得更好的发展。本文主要针对在初中教学阶段中体育学科改变纯技能教学形式,在课堂上采用愉快、参与、创造性教学模式进行体育学科教学,优化教学内容,进而使得学生获得更加高质量、高效
◆摘 要:目前深圳中学已经广泛推行新课标改革,基于此背景,通过互动教学有助于提高学生的学习主动性和积极性,集中学生的课堂注意力。本文对目前深圳地区中学英语课堂教学的现状展开分析,以此为基础,根据实际教学情况,提出互动教学模式在中学英语课堂中的应用措施,旨在进一步深化中学英语课堂的互动,提高教学的质量和效率。  ◆关键词:中学;英语课堂;互动教学模式  英语是我国中学的一项基础必修课程之一,对于提高
◆摘 要:在小学语文教学中,习作教学即是教学环节的重点,也是学生学习的难点。不少学生拿到习作命题之后无从下笔,有时知道心里是怎么想的,却无法用语言表达出来。长期以往,学生在思想上排斥习作教学,在心理上畏惧写作。教师善于结合教材的内容,利用读写结合的教学方法,提高学生的阅读量,丰富学生的阅读体验。让学生在阅读中积累的习作素材,激发学生的习作欲望,为学生更好地学习语文奠定坚实的基础。  ◆关键词:小学
◆摘 要:本文研究当前“先学后教”教学模式在小学高年级数学课堂教学存在问题及原因分析,提出了“教师深入钻研,正确引导”“授课方式多样化,引起兴趣”“因材施教,具体问题具体分析”等解决对策。  ◆关键词:“先学后教”;小学高年级;数学课堂教学;应用探究  以学生为主体的教学背景下提出的“先学后教教学模式”符合新课程改革的趋势发展。在《数学课程标准中》提到数学教学不仅是教给学生理论知识,还要激发学生的
◆摘 要:英语在全球化发展的形势下尤为重要,发展学生的英语能力、提升英语素养,成为公民必备的素养。小学阶段是语言发展的关键阶段,英语是三大主要学科之一,重视英语教学势在必行。语法是语言的规则,只有掌握一定的语法知识,语言交际、运用才能顺利、准确进行。新课改背景下的英语语法教学有效性仍然存在一定的问题,需要我们教学中创新方法,探讨有效策略,提升语法教学效果,文章仅仅对语法教学的有效途径加以分析,希望
◆摘 要:随着经济的发展,各国之间的交流与合作更加密切,在这种背景下,英语的重要性也不断体现出来。近年来我国商务活动不断增加,商务英语翻译越来越被人们所重视。然而,当前商务英语笔译中存在一些问题,如一些人员汉语表达不够清楚,缺乏专业术语知识等,本文就商务英语笔译中出现的问题进行分析,以此提升商务英语的笔译水平。  ◆关键词:商务英语;笔译;常见问题  在经济全球化快速发展的今天,我国商务活动更加频