[目的]分析60例肝硬化患者家属的疾病不确定感水平,探索治疗性沟通系统对肝硬化患者家属疾病不确定感的干预效果.[方法]采用自行设计的问卷和疾病不确定感家属量表对60例肝硬化患者家属进行调查;根据患者住院号尾数的奇数、偶数分为对照组、观察组各30例.对照组以常规健康教育方式,观察组以治疗性沟通系统方式.[结果]肝硬化患者家属疾病不确定感总分为78.00±10.69.观察组疾病不确定感、不明确性维度、缺乏澄清维度得分均低于对照组,2组比较差异有统计学意义;观察组干预后疾病不确定感及各维度得分均降低,2组比较差异有统计学意义.[结论]肝硬化患者家属疾病不确定感处于中等水平,治疗性沟通系统有助于降低其疾病不确定感水平.“,”[Objective]To evaluate the levels of illness uncertainty in the familiars of patients with cirrhosis.[Methods]A self-designed questionnaire and the Family Uncertainty Scale for Diseases were used to investigate the familiars of 60 patients with cirrhosis.According to the odd and ever number of patients admitted to the hospital,they were divided into contronl groups(n=30) or observation groups(n=30).Regular health education method was used in control group and the therapeutic communication system was used in observation group.[Results]The total score of illness uncertainty was 78.00±10.69.The scores of illness uncertainty、ambiguity dimension、and lack of clarification dimension were lower in the observation group than those of the control group.The scores of illness uncertainty and each dimension in the observation group were significantly decreased after the treatment.[Conclusion]The illness uncertainty in the familiars of patients with cirrhosis is at a moderate level.The therapeutic communication system is helpful to reduce the illness uncertainty in the familiars of patients with cirrhosis.