目的掌握福州海港口岸不同生境和季节蝇体表和体内携带病毒状况,为防治蝇媒传染病提供技术支持和决策依据。方法 2007年7月—2008年6月在福州海港口岸,随机抽取8个不同类型的监测点7个不同生境,实施为期1年的成蝇监测。捕获成蝇按照7个生境分类,采集成蝇体表和体内样本进行病毒检测,包括:病毒分离;病毒荧光PCR检测:甲型肝炎病毒(HAV)、戊型肝炎病毒(HEV)、轮状病毒(A组)、柯萨奇病毒、肠道病毒EV71、通用肠道病毒(未分型)。结果蝇体表病毒检测均为阴性;体内病毒分离阳性率22.03%;体内病毒荧光PCR检测阳性率13.56%,其中柯萨奇病毒阳性率1.90%,轮状病毒(A组)阳性率5.08%,通用肠道病毒(未分型)阳性率6.78%,肠道病毒EV71、甲型肝炎病毒和戊型肝炎病毒阴性;办公室外、杂物间、食堂和2007年7月检出阳性比最高。结论蝇体内携带不同病毒,不同生境和季节蝇体内病毒分离和荧光PCR检测结果不同,应重点关注阳性比较高的生境和季节,采取相关措施,予以重点防范。
Objective To understand the status of virus in body surface and body in different habitats and seasons of Fuzhou harbor port and to provide technical support and decision-making basis for the prevention and control of fly-borne infectious disease. Methods From July 2007 to June 2008, seven different habitats of 8 different types of monitoring sites were randomly selected from the harbor ports of Fuzhou. One-year adult fly surveillance was conducted. Acquisition of adult flies According to the classification of 7 habitats, samples of adult flies and in vivo samples were collected for virus detection, including: virus isolation; viral fluorescence PCR detection: Hepatitis A virus (HAV), Hepatitis E virus (HEV), rotavirus (Group A), Coxsackie virus, enterovirus EV71, universal enterovirus (undifferentiated). Results The positive rate of virus in vivo was 22.03%. The positive rate of virus in vivo was 13.56%. The positive rate of coxsackie virus was 1.90%, the positive rate of rotavirus (group A) was 5.08% The positive rate of common enterovirus (undivided) was 6.78%. The enterovirus EV71, hepatitis A virus and hepatitis E virus were negative. Outside the office, the utility room, canteen and the positive rate in July 2007 were the highest. Conclusion The flies carry different viruses in vivo. In different habitats and seasonal flies, the results of virus isolation and fluorescence PCR detection are different. Therefore, we should pay more attention to the habitats and seasons with higher positive rates, and take relevant measures to give priority to prevention.