武器装备是战争力量的物质基础, 是武装力量赖以实施作战行动的军事技术手段和技术保障。武器装备的优劣程度、数量多寡,极大地影响着作战行动的实施。在现代战争中,这种影响更为明显。在朝鲜战争中,战争双方使用了喷气式飞机、大口径火炮、火箭炮和坦克等现代化的武器装备。但对志愿军方面来说,无论是武器装备的现代化程度还是先进武器装备的数量,与美国为首的“联合国军”相比都处于异常悬殊的劣势。战争双方武器装备对比的悬殊, 对作战样式、战争的进程和结局都产生了深刻的影响。
Weaponry and equipment are the material basis for the forces of war and the military technical means and technical support for the armed forces to carry out combat operations. The merits and demerits of weapons and equipment, the amount of quantity, greatly affected the implementation of combat operations. In modern warfare, this effect is even more pronounced. In the Korean War, both sides used modern weapons and equipment such as jet aircraft, large-caliber artillery, rockets and tanks. However, for the volunteer forces, both the degree of modernization of weapons and equipment and the number of advanced weaponry and equipment are extremely different from those of the “United Nations Army” headed by the United States. The disparity between arms and equipment on both sides of the war has had a profound impact on the style of operations, the course and the outcome of the war.