Population inversion study of GaAs/AlGaAs three-quantum-well quantum cascade structures

来源 :Chinese Optics Letters | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:f520li
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A population inversion study of GaAs/AlxGa1-x As three-quantum-well quantum cascade structures is presented. We derive the population inversion condition (PIC) of the active region (AR) and discuss the PICs on different structures by changing structural parameters such as the widths of quantum wells or barriers in the AR. For some instances, the PIC can be simplified and is proportional to the spontaneous emission lifetime between the second and the first excited states, whereas some other instances imply that the PIC is proportional to the state lifetime of the second excited state. A population inversion study of GaAs / AlxGa1-x As three-quantum-well quantum cascade structures is presented. We derive the population inversion condition (PIC) of the active region (AR) and discuss the PICs on different structures by changing structural parameters such as the widths of quantum wells or barriers in the AR. For some instances, the PIC can be simplified and is proportional to the spontaneous emission lifetime between the second and the first excited states, the other one imply that the PIC is proportional to the state lifetime of the second excited state.
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