保持稳定发展 扩大对外开放

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刚刚过去的1991年,是我国实施“八五”计划的第一年,也是新一轮外贸体制改革方案出台的第一年.一年来的实践证明:我国取消外贸出口补贴,实行自负盈亏的改革获得了极大成功,各项对外经贸业务均取得令人鼓舞的好成绩.去年,我国的外贸进出口总额达1357亿美元,创历史最好水平.外贸出口以略高于国民生产总值年均增长6%的速度增长.在去年年底召开的全国对外经贸工作会议对1992年的我国经贸工作作了深入部署.今年我国经贸工作的主要目标是:进一步深化和完善外贸体制改革;继续以增加出口创汇、提高经济效益为中心,推动各项对外经贸业务的全面发展.为此,本期特刊载本刊编辑部的文章“保持稳定发展,扩大对外开放”.文章详尽地论述了今年我国各级经贸部门应该抓紧抓好的几件大事,值得一阅. The 1991 year that was just in the past was the first year for China to implement the “8th Five-Year Plan” and was also the first year for the introduction of a new round of reform of the foreign trade system. The practice in the past year has proved that China’s export subsidies have been canceled, and self-financing has been implemented. The reforms have been extremely successful, and various foreign economic and trade businesses have achieved encouraging results. Last year, China’s total import and export volume reached 135.7 billion U.S. dollars, the highest level in history. Foreign trade exports were slightly higher than the national production. The average annual growth rate of 6% growth. At the end of last year, the National Conference on Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation made in-depth deployment of China’s economic and trade work in 1992. The main objectives of China’s economic and trade work this year are: Further deepen and improve the reform of the foreign trade system; continue In order to increase foreign exchange through exports and increase economic efficiency, we will promote the full development of various foreign economic and trade businesses. To this end, special editions of this edition contain the article “Maintaining Stable Development and Expanding Opening to the Outside World” of the editorial department of this journal. This year, China’s economic and trade departments at all levels should pay close attention to several major events, it is worth reading.