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消防安全重点单位的消防工作,是我国国民经济和社会发展的重要组成部分,它直接关系到人民生命财产安全和社会稳定。近年来,随着社会转型、经济转轨、企业改制、结构调整,经济成分、经营方式趋于多样化,一些消防安全重点单位内部的消防安全管理工作十分薄弱,火灾形势越来越严峻。因此,公安部在2002年5月1日颁布施行了《机关、团体、企业、事业单位消防安全管理规定》(61号令),其最关键、最中心、最要害的内容是:树立单位是消防安全责任主体的意识,落实单位内部逐级消防责任制和岗位责任制,改革消防安全监督管理模式,真正实现单位消防安全“自我负责,自我管理”。通过一年多来对公安部61号令的贯彻实施,我省消防安全重点单位的消防安全责任主体意识得到增强,并逐步形成一套管理规范有序,责任落实到人,隐患自查自改,工作奖惩到位的新的消防工作机制,为机关、团体、企业、事业单位的消防管理工作起到以点带面的促进作用。但与此同时,消防安全重点单位中存在的责任制落实不完善、防火管理秩序紊乱、自防自救能力不强等诸多问题依然突出。为此,本期“特别关注”将目光聚焦于此,从正、反两方面典型事例中探寻解决问题的对策,由此推动公安部61号令得到进一步落实,使消防安全重点单位防范火灾能力得到有效提高,进 The fire protection work of the key units of fire safety is an important part of our national economy and social development, and it has a direct bearing on people’s lives, property and social stability. In recent years, with the social transformation, economic transition, enterprise restructuring, structural adjustment, economic composition, management style tends to diversify, some of the fire safety within the unit’s fire safety management is very weak, the fire situation is more and more serious. Therefore, on May 1, 2002, the Ministry of Public Security promulgated and implemented the “Regulations on Fire Safety Management of Organizations, Groups, Enterprises and Institutions” (Decree 61). The most crucial, central and most important content is that the establishment unit is a fire department Safety awareness of the main responsibility to implement the unit level fire responsibility system and post responsibility system, the reform of fire safety supervision and management mode, the real fire safety unit “self-responsible, self-management.” Through the implementation of Order 61 of the Ministry of Public Security over more than a year, the awareness of fire safety responsibilities among key units in fire safety in our province has been enhanced. A set of management standards and order are gradually formed, the responsibility is implemented to people, self- The work of rewards and punishments in place of the new fire fighting mechanism for the agencies, groups, enterprises, institutions, fire management play a catalytic role in promoting. However, at the same time, many problems in the key units of fire safety, such as the imperfect implementation of the responsibility system, the disorder of fire prevention management system, and the self-defense and self-help capability, remain outstanding. To this end, this issue of “special attention” will focus on this, from positive and negative examples of typical examples to explore ways to solve the problem, thus promoting the Ministry of Public Security 61 order to be further implemented so that fire safety key units to prevent fire ability to get Effectively improve, into
<正> 十八世纪,德国文艺批评家莱辛在《拉奥孔:论绘画与诗的界限》一文中指出:诗主要描写在时间中持续的事物,画主要描写在空间中平列的事物;因此,诗适宜表现事物的动态,画适