采用拉伸测试、金相组织观察、断口组织分析等方法,研究了轧制态和热处理态Al-Mg-Si-Cu合金板材在不同取向条件下的微观组织结构和力学性能。结果表明,Al-Mg-Si-Cu合金板材表现了比较明显的各向异性特征,随着与轧制方向取向角的增大,轧制态Al-Mg-Si-Cu合金板材的强度先减小后增大,伸长率则先增大后减小;经热处理后,Al-Mg-Si-Cu合金的强度与伸长率均随着取向角的增大呈先增大后减小的趋势,在60°方向其抗拉强度具有最大值,为366.3 MPa,在45°方向其伸长率最大,为24%。
The microstructures and mechanical properties of Al-Mg-Si-Cu alloy sheets under different orientations were investigated by tensile test, microstructure observation and fracture analysis. The results show that the Al-Mg-Si-Cu alloy sheet exhibits obvious anisotropy. With the increase of the orientation angle in the rolling direction, the strength of the rolled Al-Mg-Si-Cu alloy sheet decreases first Then increase and then decrease, and the strength and elongation of Al-Mg-Si-Cu alloy first increase and then decrease with the increase of orientation angle after heat treatment The trend is that the tensile strength has a maximum value of 366.3 MPa in the direction of 60 ° and the maximum elongation in the direction of 45 ° is 24%.