在现实生活中存在着大量的离婚现象。虽然离婚者的外部环境较以前有了较大的改善,但离婚者本人仍会承受巨大的心理压力。 一个人对婚姻的成败要有一个全面的认识。因为人的一生不可能总是一帆风顺的,婚姻也不例外。现实生活中不少伟人、名人,他们在事业上卓有建树,可在婚姻上却写下了许多败笔,这就说明成功的婚姻不单
There are a lot of divorces in real life. Although the external environment for divorcees has greatly improved from the past, the divorcees themselves will still be under immense psychological pressure. A person must have a comprehensive understanding of the success or failure of a marriage. Because people’s life can not always be smooth, marriage is no exception. Many great people in real life, celebrities, they have great achievements in the cause, but in the marriage has written many flaws, which shows the successful marriage is not only