Enjoyable Relaxation With Historical Flavor in Nanjing

来源 :中国-东盟博览(旅游版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:furuirui
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  Simply cross the threshold of the Yihe Mansions and you will enter the Republic of China (1912-1949) again, a time when the country’s leader led people building their residences in the shade of the maple trees on Yihe Road in Nanjing, the capital of 10 dynasties. These private yellow-walled villas have been magnificently restored and now offer sophisticated, deeply historical accommodation with a spa, restaurants, clubs and suites. They are extremely spacious with soft light and greenery throughout; the decoration is an elegant blend of traditional artefacts and contemporary objects, with fine woods and precious fabrics — a serene environment where you can truly appreciate the beauty of this culture.
  A gracious look at history
  If you want to enjoy a special relaxation when traveling, the Yihe Mansions will be a nice choice. It can offer you a rich cultural experience. The Yihe Mansions is situated in a historical city — Nanjing which was once the heart of the political administration of China during the period of the Republic of China, colloquially known as “Min Guo”. So the Yihe Mansions retain the original amorous feelings of the Republic of China. Also, the welcome note in a retro Min Guo style envelope written in the traditional vertical columns will make your stay a very unique experience.
  The Yihe Mansions consist of 26 buildings, and each of them tells a story. Like “Le Siècle”, also named the “Century”, it previously accommodated prominent Army Generals like General Xue Yue and foreign diplomats during the period of Republic of China, and now it’s a restaurant, providing much delicious food with Min Guo’s flavor. However, no one goes there only for the food. This restaurant is one that will delight visitors to Nanjing and will give them a good impression of how the elite used to live in during its glory days of the 1920’s and 30’s.
  A sight of the millennium-old cultural heritage
  Staying at the Yihe Mansions, you can experience the millennium-old art of woodblock printing, a kind of typography. Typography is one of the four greatest achievements of mankind, and one of the greatest ancient Chinese inventions starting from the Sui Dynasty (581-618) during the 13th century, more than 150 years before Martin Luther. And during the Qing Dynasty (1636-1912), woodblock printing was born in Jinling where now is called Nanjing.
  At that time, Jinling Buddhist cultural Institution was famous in Jinling, and its dean, addressed as the living fossil, was the authority on engraving and printing. And then the complete heritage preservation of old traditional crafts such as woodblock printing and wire-bound letters has been the mission of Jinling or Nanjing as its Chinese woodblock printing technique was listed in 2009 list of world intangible cultural heritage. Therefore, the Yihe Mansions not only can offer you a comfortable relaxation, but also a spectacular impression of the millennium-old cultural heritage.
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If you love exploring historical sites and off the beaten track sights, why not visit the well preserved ancient town of Guangxi for a great experience of traditional Chinese architecture and culture?
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大家好!我是广西崇左市委书记刘有明。大家首先会问,崇左在哪里?崇左地处祖国南疆,友谊关就是她的重要地标。崇左是广西最年轻的城市,今年只有15岁,而我在这里工作了8年,我对这里的山山水水非常熟悉,对这里的一草一木充满感情,我最有自信和底气向大家介绍我心目中的这座城市。  崇左是一座边关城市。她与越南陆地边境线最长,我们常说“打開门就是越南,走两步就进东盟”。现在这里每天商贾云集、边贸繁荣,进出口的许