Objective To investigate the relationship between pulmonary sclerosing hemangioma (PSH) and neuroendocrine tumors. Methods One case of rare sclerosing hemangioma with carcinoid (carcinoid in sclerosing hemangioma) was observed by light microscopy and immunohistochemistry combined with the literature. Results The patient was middle-aged male. The clinical manifestations were ectopic ACTH syndrome, pulmonary shadow, tumor and lobectomy. The general performance of subepithelial type of circular nodules, the border is clear. Microscopically, about 2/3 of the nodules were typical carcinoid-like areas: the nests of trabecular and trabecular tumor cells were separated by slender collagen fibers. The tumor cells AE1 / AE3, CgA, Syn, TTF-1 and ACTH diffuse (+), vimentin (-); and 1/3 like ring or crescent-like part of the central area surrounding the typical PSH-like areas, including the real flake and papillary structures. There are two types of tumor cells in the PSH: one is a circular arrangement of morphologically uniform cells, filled with (+), AE1 / AE3, CgA and Syn (-); TTF-1 and vimentin; Surface-covered cubic epithelial cells, AE1 / AE3 and TTF-1 (+), vimentin, CgA and Syn (-). Carcinoid and PSH at the junction of the migration of each other, the boundary is unclear, and sometimes there can be seen between the two elongated squeeze flattened glandular cavity, both tumor cells are located in both sides of the glandular epithelium, but there are still Focal tumor cell clusters can cross the gland lumen and cross each other on the contralateral side. Conclusion PSH and neuroendocrine cells and their tumors are more or less some intrinsic relationship exists; PSH-associated carcinoid may be related to the original multi-directional differentiation of the origin of the respiratory tract epithelial cells of PSH.