和平时期部队战斗精神培育有多种途径 ,但重在实践活动的磨炼。要着重抓好部队的训练教育、执行急难险重任务、日常作风养成等关键环节 ,创设砥砺官兵战斗精神的情境 ,使广大官兵的战斗精神在部队日常建设的实践中得到强化和升华。
There are many ways to foster the fighting spirit of the armed forces in peacetime, but the training focuses on practical activities. We must focus our efforts on training and education in the armed forces, implement key tasks such as emergency situations and serious dangers, and develop our daily work style. We should create situations in which the morale of officers and soldiers is to be militarily prepared so that the fighting spirit of officers and men will be strengthened and sublimated in the daily construction of troops.