To explore the mechanism of action of total glucosides of Hawthorn against rheumatoid arthritis. Detection of CII-Induced Arthritis in Rats with Cd-induced Arthritis Using a Modified Boyden Chamber Precursor and Model-Group Primary Synovial Cell Culture Supernatants for Invasion of Joint Inflammatory Cells such as Neutrophils, Bone Marrow Macrophages, and Lymph The cell chemotaxis capacity was expressed as the number of membrane cells in the experimental group minus the number of membrane cells in the control group. The results showed that the chemotaxis of the primary synovial cell culture supernatant of the total glucosides of hawthorn group was significantly lower than that of the model group (P<0.01). It was demonstrated that total glucosides of hawthorn inhibited the chemotaxis of inflammatory cells in synovial cells of the synovium, and the infiltration of inflammatory cells into synovial membranes was one of the mechanisms of its anti-arthritis effects.