1994年12月举行的国际新发明展览会上,瑞士一家工程咨询公司首次展出了一种不需借助任何其他蒸煮设备就可快速地将罐头食品变成热餐的金属容器。据日内瓦布兰丘特和伯兰特公司的代理人说,这种独特的金属容器的秘诀在于一种封闭在外壳和装有成品食物的罐头之间的化学加热材料。这种加热材料主要由硅和二氧化锰组成。只要拉一下罐头外盖上的把手,这种化学材料就被激活产生热量。 事实上,任何被特别处理过的成品食物─从有馅的小包子、炒面到辣椒─只要是装在罐头里
At the International Exhibition of New Inventions, held in December 1994, an engineering consultancy in Switzerland showed for the first time a metal container that can quickly turn canned food into a hot meal without the need for any other cooking equipment. According to representatives of Brancotec and Blount in Geneva, the secret to this unique metallic container is a chemically-heated material enclosed between the outer shell and the canned food product. This heating material consists mainly of silicon and manganese dioxide. Just pull the handle on the can lid and the chemical is activated to generate heat. In fact, any specially processed finished food - from stuffed buns, fried noodles to chilli peppers - can only be served in canned food