以芳香著称的丁香,在北方园林中很是常见,也许您对它并不陌生。但是,您见过的丁香有多少种呢? 我国的丁香属植物(Syringa)种类十分丰富,共有22种,而全属只有27种。丁香很早就成为世界园林的重要树种,在私家宅院、旅游景点、路旁以及公共绿地中随处可见。盛花时节,其馨香使人陶醉,繁花令人驻足。中国科学院北京植物园从50年代就开始了丁香的专属引种。经过近半个世纪的努力,已建起了我国第一个丁香专类园,并进行了一系列卓有成效的研究,在世界丁香属植物种质资源收集和利用方面占有
Cloves known for their aromas are common in northern gardens, and perhaps you are no stranger to it. However, how many cloves have you seen? Syringa species in our country are very rich, with a total of 22 species, while only 27 species belong to all genus. Lilac has long been an important species of the world’s gardens, in private homes, tourist attractions, roadsides and public green areas can be seen everywhere. Sheng flowers season, its sweet intoxicated, flowers stop people. Beijing Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of Sciences from the 50’s began the exclusive introduction of clove. After nearly half a century of hard work, China has set up the first clove garden, and conducted a series of fruitful research in the world Syringa germplasm collection and utilization of resources