Reginald Johnston: Your 1)Majesty, in my country, it would be usual to begin with some kind of an examination.
Pu Yi: The Emperor cannot be examined.
Reginald Johnston: Now that may have to change. But first, Your Majesty might like to ask me some questions?
Pu Yi: Where are your 2)ancestors buried?
Reginald Johnston: In Scotland, Your Majesty.
Pu Yi: But then where’s your skirt? ①In your country men wear short skirts, do they not?
Reginald Johnston: No, Your Majesty, ②Scotsmen do not wear skirts, they wear kilts.
Pu Yi: Kilts?
Reginald Johnston: Kilts. ③A matter of words, perhaps, but words are important.
Pu Yi: Why are words important?
Reginald Johnston: If you can’t say what you mean, Your Majesty, you will never mean what you say. And ④a gentleman should always mean what he says.
Pu Yi: Ah yes! A gentleman. Are you a gentleman?
Reginald Johnston: I would like to be a gentleman, Your Majesty. I try to be.
Pu Yi: I am not a gentleman. I’m not allowed to say what I mean. They are always telling me what to say.
Reginald Johnston: Your Majesty is still very young. I thought he might like to see some English and American magazines. I have just received them.
Pu Yi: Who is this “George Washington”?
Reginald Johnston: A famous American, Your Majesty. A revolutionary General, the first American President.
Pu Yi: Ah, like Mr. Lenin in Russia?
Reginald Johnston: Not quite.
Pu Yi: Does he have a car?
Reginald Johnston: He lived a long time ago, Your Majesty.
Pu Yi: I want a car.
Know More
1988年3月16日,由意大利籍导演贝尔纳多·贝托鲁奇(Bernardo Bertolucci)执导,由中国、英国和意大利合作拍摄的史诗巨作《末代皇帝》获得包括最佳影片、最佳导演、最佳改编剧本等在内的9项奥斯卡大奖。这是历史上第一部获准进入北京紫禁城实景拍摄的故事片,贝托鲁奇用西方的视角讲述了中国封建王朝最后一位皇帝溥仪的传奇一生。影片气势恢宏又婉丽细腻。影片在西方国家上映后,立即掀起一轮“中国热”。从某种程度讲,这是第一部讲述中国历史文化的影片进入西方主流世界,并引起强烈反响。
Smart Sentences
① In your country men wear short skirts, do they not? 你们苏格兰男人都是穿裙子的,不是吗?
do they not? = don’t they?
do they not?: the second part of a disjunctive structure, used to ask for confirmation. It can change into different forms according to person or tense(反意问句的第二部分,通常用于获取对方的肯定,可随人称或时态变化而有各种形式,如:does he/she not、did they not等。)
e.g. The British people love their Queen, do they not? 英国人都很爱戴他们的女王,不是吗?
Suitable Occasion: oral, formal
② Scotsmen do not wear skirts, they wear kilts. 苏格兰男人不穿裙子,他们穿摺叠短裙。
kilt: A knee-length skirt with deep pleats, usually of a tartan wool, worn as part of the dress for men in the Scottish Highlands. (苏格兰打褶短裙,苏格兰高地男子所穿的服装的一部分,带深褶,通常是格子花呢缝制的,长至膝部的一种裙子。)
Scotsmen do not wear skirts, they wear kilts. = Scotsmen wear kilts instead of skirts.
People do not do one thing, they do another thing: used to emphasize the affirmative part in the sentence.(此句式用来强调句子中肯定的部分。)
e.g. John does not eat, he swallows. 约翰不是在吃东西,他是把东西吞下肚。
Suitable Occasion: writing & oral, formal & informal.
③ A matter of words, perhaps, but words are important. 也许只是措词不同,但措词是重要的。
a matter of words = it’s a matter of words
a matter of sth.: concerning sth.(……的问题,与……有关。)
e.g. A matter of time, he will certainly recover. 他肯定会恢复过来的,只是时间问题。
Suitable Occasion: oral, informal
④ A gentleman should always mean what he says. 君子要一言九鼎。
mean what one says: to be serious about what one says, not joking or just being polite.(说的话是真实的心意表达,而不是开玩笑,或出于礼貌。)
e.g. He may be a jerk sometimes, but he really meant what he said last night. 他有时可能很愚蠢,但昨晚他说的是当真的。
Suitable Occasion: oral, informal
Reginald Johnston: Your 1)Majesty, in my country, it would be usual to begin with some kind of an examination.
Pu Yi: The Emperor cannot be examined.
Reginald Johnston: Now that may have to change. But first, Your Majesty might like to ask me some questions?
Pu Yi: Where are your 2)ancestors buried?
Reginald Johnston: In Scotland, Your Majesty.
Pu Yi: But then where’s your skirt? ①In your country men wear short skirts, do they not?
Reginald Johnston: No, Your Majesty, ②Scotsmen do not wear skirts, they wear kilts.
Pu Yi: Kilts?
Reginald Johnston: Kilts. ③A matter of words, perhaps, but words are important.
Pu Yi: Why are words important?
Reginald Johnston: If you can’t say what you mean, Your Majesty, you will never mean what you say. And ④a gentleman should always mean what he says.
Pu Yi: Ah yes! A gentleman. Are you a gentleman?
Reginald Johnston: I would like to be a gentleman, Your Majesty. I try to be.
Pu Yi: I am not a gentleman. I’m not allowed to say what I mean. They are always telling me what to say.
Reginald Johnston: Your Majesty is still very young. I thought he might like to see some English and American magazines. I have just received them.
Pu Yi: Who is this “George Washington”?
Reginald Johnston: A famous American, Your Majesty. A revolutionary General, the first American President.
Pu Yi: Ah, like Mr. Lenin in Russia?
Reginald Johnston: Not quite.
Pu Yi: Does he have a car?
Reginald Johnston: He lived a long time ago, Your Majesty.
Pu Yi: I want a car.
Know More
1988年3月16日,由意大利籍导演贝尔纳多·贝托鲁奇(Bernardo Bertolucci)执导,由中国、英国和意大利合作拍摄的史诗巨作《末代皇帝》获得包括最佳影片、最佳导演、最佳改编剧本等在内的9项奥斯卡大奖。这是历史上第一部获准进入北京紫禁城实景拍摄的故事片,贝托鲁奇用西方的视角讲述了中国封建王朝最后一位皇帝溥仪的传奇一生。影片气势恢宏又婉丽细腻。影片在西方国家上映后,立即掀起一轮“中国热”。从某种程度讲,这是第一部讲述中国历史文化的影片进入西方主流世界,并引起强烈反响。
Smart Sentences
① In your country men wear short skirts, do they not? 你们苏格兰男人都是穿裙子的,不是吗?
do they not? = don’t they?
do they not?: the second part of a disjunctive structure, used to ask for confirmation. It can change into different forms according to person or tense(反意问句的第二部分,通常用于获取对方的肯定,可随人称或时态变化而有各种形式,如:does he/she not、did they not等。)
e.g. The British people love their Queen, do they not? 英国人都很爱戴他们的女王,不是吗?
Suitable Occasion: oral, formal
② Scotsmen do not wear skirts, they wear kilts. 苏格兰男人不穿裙子,他们穿摺叠短裙。
kilt: A knee-length skirt with deep pleats, usually of a tartan wool, worn as part of the dress for men in the Scottish Highlands. (苏格兰打褶短裙,苏格兰高地男子所穿的服装的一部分,带深褶,通常是格子花呢缝制的,长至膝部的一种裙子。)
Scotsmen do not wear skirts, they wear kilts. = Scotsmen wear kilts instead of skirts.
People do not do one thing, they do another thing: used to emphasize the affirmative part in the sentence.(此句式用来强调句子中肯定的部分。)
e.g. John does not eat, he swallows. 约翰不是在吃东西,他是把东西吞下肚。
Suitable Occasion: writing & oral, formal & informal.
③ A matter of words, perhaps, but words are important. 也许只是措词不同,但措词是重要的。
a matter of words = it’s a matter of words
a matter of sth.: concerning sth.(……的问题,与……有关。)
e.g. A matter of time, he will certainly recover. 他肯定会恢复过来的,只是时间问题。
Suitable Occasion: oral, informal
④ A gentleman should always mean what he says. 君子要一言九鼎。
mean what one says: to be serious about what one says, not joking or just being polite.(说的话是真实的心意表达,而不是开玩笑,或出于礼貌。)
e.g. He may be a jerk sometimes, but he really meant what he said last night. 他有时可能很愚蠢,但昨晚他说的是当真的。
Suitable Occasion: oral, informal