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英国伦敦希思罗机场消防队,始建于第二次世界大战末期,当时只有五辆消防车、一辆抢险车和两辆救护车。不过,目前它已是世界上最现代化的消防队之一。为培养消防人员灭火抢险的技术水平和实际能力,这个消防队一直把培训训练作为日常的重要工作。 不久前,该消防队在希思罗附 London Heathrow Airport Fire Brigade, was built in the late World War II, when there were only five fire engines, a rescue vehicle and two ambulances. However, it is currently one of the most modern fire departments in the world. In order to train the technical level and practical ability of firefighters in fire fighting and rescue, the fire brigade has always regarded training and training as an important daily routine. Not long ago, the fire brigade was attached to Heathrow
Stack} actuator is a solid|state driving component of Active Tailing Edge Flap in smart rotor systems. It is a multi|layer serial structure of basic units compo
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In this paper a new time explicit asymptotic method is presented through introducing an auxiliary parameter for the solution of an exact controllability proble
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利用电视PAL制式的隔行扫描原理,把摄像机拍摄的一幅图象拆分为前后两场,经过最小误差示踪粒子匹配方法的图象处理,获得了较好的瞬时流矢图. Using the interlacing principle of t