我们将告诉大家,如何使用RAW文件中包含的丰富色彩信息得到优秀的黑白摄影作品。软件准备:Photoshop CS5学习目标:如何使用ACR中HSL/灰度面板的转换为灰度命令对黑白转换过程中的不同颜色明暗进行选择性控制。操作耗时:15分钟控制黑白转换时的画面明暗变化并不是一件容易的事情,我们期待画面元素反差分明、轮廓突出,可结果往往事与愿违,稍不留神整张照片就变得灰蒙蒙一片。今天我
We will tell you how to get great black and white photography using the rich color information contained in a RAW file. Software Preparation: Photoshop CS5 Learning Objectives: How to Use the HSL / Grayscale to ACR Convert to Grayscale Command Selectively controls the different color shades of black-and-white conversion. Operation time-consuming: 15 minutes Control of black and white change the brightness of the screen when the change is not an easy task, we expect the screen elements clear contrast, prominent silhouette, the results often go against the rules, a bit inattentive the whole picture becomes gray. Today I