沈葆桢是中国近代史上的著名人物,他是晚清有重要影响的封建政治家, 同时还是第一任船政大臣,主持船政,组建当时远东最大的船厂,创办学堂,主张“船政重学”。他是清末筹建中国近代海军的主持者之一, 为建立中国近代海军和造船业的发展奠定了基础;他一生爱国,为国家和民族培养出叱咤风云的一代精英。今年4月8日是沈葆桢诞辰180周年,届时国内外专家学者将在福建马尾举行沈葆桢学术研讨会。我刊特发此文,以示纪念,激励来者。
Shen Baozhen was a famous figure in modern Chinese history. He was a feudal statesman who had an important influence in the late Qing Dynasty. At the same time, he was the first Minister of the Shipping Administration. He presided over the shipping administration and set up the largest shipyard in the Far East at the time. He founded a school and advocated “ ”. He was one of the moderators for the founding of the Chinese modern navy in the late Qing Dynasty and laid the foundation for the establishment of the modern naval and shipbuilding industries in China. He spent his life patriotic and trained all generations of elite nations and peoples. April 8 this year is the 180th anniversary of the birth of Shen Baozhen, when domestic and foreign experts and scholars will be held in Shanghai Porsche Shen Baozhen seminar. I published this special issue to show memorial, inspire those who.