准噶尔盆地腹部南缘(包括博乐、车排子、下野地、莫索湾、芳草湖一带)常发生冬小麦冻害,造成严重损失。鉴于目前尚无“理想”抗冻品种或有效的抗冻栽培措施,不少同志想从作物布局上来根本改变这种状况。 有的同志从分析该区多年平均冬春麦产量差值出发,认为兵团农七师一三六团和农八师一五○团一带应是以种春麦为主的冬春麦混种区;兵团农七师车排子垦区、农八师下野地垦区为以种冬麦为主的冬春麦混种区。
Winter frost damage often occurs in the southern margin of the abdomen of Junggar Basin (including Bole, Che Paizi, Xiayedi, Mosuo Bay and Fangcaohu Lake), resulting in serious losses. In view of the fact that there are no “ideal” antifreeze cultivars or effective antifreeze cultivation measures, many comrades want to fundamentally change this situation from crop layout. Some comrades from the analysis of the area for many years the average winter and winter wheat yield difference, that Corps Nongqijun one hundred and six groups and Nongba division one hundred and fifty regiment area should be dominated by spring and winter wheat mixed area; Corps agricultural seven division Che Pazi reclamation area, agricultural eight division underland reclamation area to winter wheat-based winter and spring wheat mixed area.