挽救变砖的三星i8552Q:一部三星i8552刷机出现了问题导致现在无法开机,卡在开机界面,提示:Samsung push service已停止。试过多种方法均无法解决。请问,这该如何解决?A:这可能是刷机失败导致的,可以尝试下面的方法进行修复。1.先从http://pan.baidu.com/s/1ntMCCHF下载文件解压后备用。2.手机使用USB连接到电脑中,重新开机的同时按住“音量下键”和“HOME键(中间实体键)”不
Save the bricks Samsung i8552Q: a Samsung i8552 Brush there is a problem that now can not boot, stuck in the boot screen, suggesting: Samsung push service has stopped. Tried a variety of methods can not be solved. Excuse me, how to solve this? A: This may be caused by the failure of the brush machine, you can try the following methods to repair. 1. First from http://pan.baidu.com/s/1ntMCCHF download files decompression reserve. 2. The phone is connected to the computer using USB, press and hold “volume down key ” and “HOME key (middle entity key) ”