洪湖市黄家口镇1990~1992年连续三年实施地膜早棉丰收计划,600余hm~2 地膜棉平均籽棉单产3379.5kg/hm~2,分别比营养钵棉和露地棉增产18.5%和27.6%,充分发挥了地膜早棉的增产优势。但实行地膜覆盖仍有不同程度的死苗,给早棉一播全苗、争伏前桃带来了障碍。据连续三年2000hm~2地膜棉高产片攻关田死苗跟踪调查:正常年份
Huangjiakou Town, Honghu City, from 1990 to 1992 for three consecutive years of implementation of plastic mulching morning harvest plan, more than 600 hm ~ 2 mulching cotton average seed cotton yield 3379.5kg / hm ~ 2, respectively, than the nutrition bowl cotton and open-field cotton yield 18.5% and 27.6% , Give full play to the plastic film cotton yield advantage. However, the implementation of plastic film mulching still have varying degrees of dead seedlings, giving the whole cotton seedlings of early morning cotton and contention before the peach brings obstacles. According to three consecutive years 2000hm ~ 2 high yield film mulberry seedlings tracking investigation of Guandi dead seedlings: the normal year