[弦外曲 ]生命是美丽的 ,人们总爱在阳光下俏皮地笑。你 ,我 ,他 ,神采飞扬 ,而在热闹过后留下一个人 ,刻骨的寂寞 ,冷酷的麻木。这不谙人世的浅薄 ,“为赋新词强说愁”的造作。在空茫而静谧的深夜 ,在孤魂穿梭的时空 ,在混沌黑暗的心灵深处 ,在某一个地方 ,在某一个空位 ,那里
[Strings] Life is beautiful, people always love playful smile in the sun. You, me, him, high spirits, and left a hustle and bustle, lonely, cold numbness. This is incomprehensible to the worldly superficial, “for the new words to say sad” creation. In the midst of empty and quiet late night, in the space-time of the solitary soul, deep in the chaotic darkness, somewhere, in a certain space, there