NEW ZEALAND The hottest garment of the season is one that went out ofstyle a long time ago. In the past, the corset was an uncomfortable andunhealthy item that took a long time to put on and take off.Today'scorsets are a little easier to manage.
University of Auckland lecturer Lane West Newman says that somepeople have started to see the corset positively. They say that "shapingyour body as you want it to be empowers women,"she told the NewZealand Herald. Pieter Stewart of New Zealand Fashion Week calledthem "very sexy especially worn as tops, in the summer or the evening."The stars are wearing them, too, and trendy corsets are being sold inboutiques from Los Angeles to Auckland.
University of Auckland lecturer Lane West Newman says that somepeople have started to see the corset positively. They say that "shapingyour body as you want it to be empowers women,"she told the NewZealand Herald. Pieter Stewart of New Zealand Fashion Week calledthem "very sexy especially worn as tops, in the summer or the evening."The stars are wearing them, too, and trendy corsets are being sold inboutiques from Los Angeles to Auckland.