对室内气候因素引起的生理反应和感觉反映的热环境舒适性指标,前人已进行过不少的研究。然而早期的研究偏重于评价方法。自从空调节能问题受到重视以来,热舒适评价指标的研究及其应用力图与空调节能相联系。其中最有代表性最引人瞩目的是丹麦 Fanger 氏的研究。国际标准化组织
The predecessors have conducted a lot of research on the physiological responses caused by indoor climate factors and the thermal environment comfort indicators reflected by the feelings. However, early research focused on evaluation methods. Since the importance of air-conditioning energy-saving issues has been paid attention to, the research and application of thermal comfort evaluation indicators have been linked to air-conditioning energy-saving. The most representative and most striking of these is the study of Fanger’s in Denmark. International Organization for Standardization