The herbaceous plant stem of Solanura melongena girdled at a certain stage generally grows new rind within a period of time by far shorter than the woody plant stem. Soon after girding, callus develops from the non-traumatlzed ray cells and other cells which are exposed on the surface of the secondary xylem. About one week later, in the callus close to the original secondary xylem, new vascular cambium will be differentiated. And following another few days phellogen will begin to appear in the callus near the surface. It takes less than one month for the girdled stem of Solanurn melongena to grow complete new rind.
The herbaceous plant stem of Solanum melongena girdled at a certain stage generally grows new rind within a period of time by far shorter than the woody plant stem. Soon after girding, callus develops from the non-traumatlzed ray cells and other cells which are exposed on the surface of the secondary xylem. About one week later, in the callus close to the original secondary xylem, new vascular cambium will be differentiated. And following another few days phellogen will begin to appear in the callus near the surface. It takes less than one month for the girdled stem of Solanurn melongena to grow complete new rind.