关于戏曲演唱的声乐教学,我曾在上次全国嗓音研讨会上讲了呼吸方法的正确与否对演唱起的重要作用,今天我想再简单地叙述一下,舌体对演唱的作用,众所周知中国的戏曲声腔自古以来就有“以字带声”“按字行腔”“字引腔行”的说法,既然“声腔”都少不了字,那么吐字的准确是非常重要的,要想把字吐准确,了解舌体在戏曲咬字中的作用同样也非常重要。 一 首先讲讲舌体在演唱中咬字的作用。 汉语语音共有二十八个音素,称为字母,其中常用的韵母有七个,声母有二十一个,这些字母的
Regarding the teaching of vocal music for opera singing, I spoke at the last national speech seminar on the importance of the correct method of breathing for singing. Today I would like to briefly describe the role of the tongue in singing. As we all know, China Since ancient times, there has been a “vocalization” and “characterization”. Since the “sound cavity” is indispensable, the accuracy of pronunciations is very important. In order to accurately classify words, It is also important to understand the role of the tongue in the articulation of Chinese characters. First, talk about the role of the tongue in the concert. Chinese phonetic total of 28 phonemes, known as letters, of which there are seven commonly used vowels, consonants have twenty-one, these letters