【摘 要】
【机 构】
泗洪县特殊教育学校 江苏泗洪 223900
With a few minor exceptions, there are really only two ways to say “tea” in the world. One is like the English term—té in Spanish and tee in Afrikaans are two examples. The other is some variation of cha, like chay in Hindi.rnBoth versions come from China
McDonald\'s and Burger King are fast food companies. They have something in common. Can you spot it?rnWell, besides all being fast food chains, their logos are all red. And it\'s not a coincidence. Color is one of the many tactics companies use to con
Body language experts believe that the way you cross the fingers of both of your hands says a lot about the person you are. This conclusion is based on the research conducted by the Nobel Prize winner, Roger Wolcott Sperry. His research proved that the br
What is FOMO?rnFOMO是什么?rnFOMO is an abbreviation of Fear of Missing Out, which is a per vasive apprehension that others might be having rewarding experiences from which one is absent. This social angst is characterized by a desire to stay continually conn
At the time of the Renaissance, young girls used to wear golden garlands or wreaths around their hair, as girls nowadays wear bracelets round their wrists or rings on their fingers. One goldsmith was so famous for the garlands he made that he was called G
Multiple actions have been taken to fight food waste, but one young man is making a big difference with technology.rnLiu Jichen, a student from Tsinghua University, has developed a WeChat mini-program called “Clear Your Plate”. After a meal, users can ope
【摘要】基本数学思想是一节课的灵魂,也是课堂中的隐形线索。课堂中通过现实到数学的抽象,从现实世界到数学内部把研究对象以及对象之间的关系形成概念,使其具有一般性进而发展数学思维。 【关键词】规律;符号化;数学思想 《数学课程标准(实验稿)》中提出:一些重要的数学概念与数学思想宜逐步深入。基本数学思想是一节课的灵魂,也是课堂中的隐形线索。一节课往往蕴含多个数学思想,每一节课都离不开抽象、推理、建模
“我让鸡蛋撞地球”这一综合实践主题活动是通过制作“保护鸡蛋”的装置,让鸡蛋从一定的高度掉下来而不碎这样一个富有挑战性的活动,为学生提供一个创造性解决问题的经历,通过“选材—设计—制作—检验”四个环节,让学生根据具体问题来选择合适的材料,并创造性地对材料进行重组和加工。 学生的激情点燃了教师的教学热情 教学之初,我对这个活动并没有抱太多的热情,因为对于五年级学生来说完成这一学习内容的确有