报载:四川某军工大厂一名厂长,最近被免职。10年前,当他上任之时,正是该厂鼎盛之期,年利润2000万元,名列西南兵工局第二。经过这位厂长10年经营,该厂几乎资不抵债,跌落到西南兵工局倒数第一。 怪这位厂长吗?否!据查,他原是一名技术员,后来升任研究所长,已是勉为其难了。10年前,上级要这个厂找一名知识分子当厂长。翻翻花名册,“按图索骥”,“乌纱”便落到他头上。 我们常常在报纸上见到一些文章,批评一些全民企业搞亏了,厂长一走了之。这话是不错的。但解决这个问题却比较难。一种是从体制上解决,例如和营、股份制、租赁。但是一个几千万元资产的企业,负责人能入多少股,又能抵押多少承包?至于党政干部,更谈不上有什么好办法。所以,目前来看,说到底,一个是选人问题,如果选得不错,德才兼备,后来变坏了,就是继续教育与监督的问题。显然,把好第一关,十分重要,这是“伯乐”的责任。这里的“伯乐”是个广义的概念,即包括识马伯乐,也包括用马“秦穆公”,即指有权选拔任用干部的党委和组织人事部门。
Newspaper: A factory manager of a large military factory in Sichuan was recently removed from office. Ten years ago, when he took office, it was the peak period of the plant, with an annual profit of 20 million yuan, ranking second in Southwest Bureau of Industry and Commerce. After 10 years of operation, the plant manager was almost insolvent and fell to the bottom of the Southwest Bureau of Ordnance and Ironworks. Do you blame the director? No! According to the investigation, he was originally a technician and later he was promoted to the head of the institute. 10 years ago, the superior wanted this factory to find an intellectual as the director. Looking through the roster, “Impression by map”, “Usa” will fall on his head. We often see some articles in the newspapers, criticizing some of the entire public companies for their losses, and the director has left. This is a good statement. But solving this problem is more difficult. One is to solve the problem from the institutional perspective, such as camp, joint-stock system, and leasing. However, for a company with tens of millions of yuan in assets, how many shares can be filled by the person in charge and how many contracts can be pledged? As for the party and government cadres, let alone what is a good idea. Therefore, at present, in the final analysis, one is the question of selecting people. If you choose a good one, you have both ability and integrity, and later become bad, that is, continuing education and supervision. Obviously, it is very important to take the first pass. This is the responsibility of Bole. The “Bole” here is a broad concept, including the identification of Maboro, and also the use of the horse “Qin Mugong”, which means the party committee and organization personnel department that has the right to choose and appoint cadres.