
来源 :中国儿童保健杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:linuxedit
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【目的】探讨城区婴幼儿肥胖干预措施,为临床有效指导提供依据。【方法】制定适合社区儿保医生实施的婴幼儿肥胖干预方案,针对看护人开展婴幼儿饮食健康促进活动,干预周期为一年。【结果】干预组婴儿食物转换月龄晚于对照组,进食肉类、蔬菜及水果的频率多于对照组,进食甜饮料的频率少于对照组;随访一年后婴儿超重和肥胖的比例显著低于对照组,两组儿童营养状况构成差异有统计学意义(P<0.05),但身长的线性生长无差异。【结论】城区婴幼儿肥胖干预方案适用于社区医疗保健机构,简单易行且安全有效。 【Objective】 To explore the intervention measures of obesity in infants and young children in urban area and provide the basis for clinical effective guidance. 【Method】 The program of intervention for obesity in infants and young children, which is suitable for the community-based childbirth doctors, was formulated. For the caregivers, the health promotion activities of infants and young children were carried out. The intervention period was one year. 【Results】 Infant food conversion in the intervention group was later than the control group. The frequency of feeding meat, vegetables and fruits was more than that of the control group, and the frequency of eating sweet drinks was less than that of the control group. One year after the follow-up, the proportion of overweight and obesity was significant The difference between the two groups was statistically significant (P <0.05), but there was no difference in the linear growth of height between the two groups. 【Conclusion】 The urban infant and young child obesity intervention program is suitable for community health care institutions and is simple, safe and effective.
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