科研出成果 开发增后劲

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农业是国民经济的基础.科学技术是第一生产力,是振兴经济的重要支柱.农业对扭肩负着探索未来,研制农业新技术.提高和发展农村生产力的重任.我fr]江苏沿海地区农科所,是一个省属开发型农业科研机构,也是一个“面向盐城市沿择农区、服务农业”的地市级农业科研单位.自? Agriculture is the foundation of the national economy. Science and technology are primary productive forces and an important pillar for rejuvenating the economy. Agriculture shoulders the responsibility of exploring the future and developing new agricultural technologies. To increase and develop the rural productive forces. I fr.] Jiangsu Coastal Institute of Agricultural Sciences, is a provincial development of agricultural research institutions, but also a “Yancheng for farming areas along, serving agriculture,” the prefectural agricultural research institutes. from?
在秋桃占相当比例,枯霜前或拔秆前不能正常吐絮的棉田,采用乙烯利催熟,可起到促早熟、提高产量和改善纤维品质的作用。其技术措施有以下几点。一、适用棉田类型 1.由于间作
We investigate the high resolution photoassociation spectra of 85Rb2 molecules in 0u+ long range state below the (5S1/2 + 5P1/2) asymptote.The 85Rb atomic sampl
本文以“百利”番茄为试材,在常温 30±2℃条件下研究 NO 处理对番茄果实成熟衰老过程中呼吸速率、膜透性、活性氧代谢及相关酶类的活性变化以及果实品质因子的影响。初步探讨
本研究以转豇豆胰蛋白酶抑制剂基因(Cowpea Trypsin Inhibitor,CpTI)苹果(Mahts domestica Borkh)组培苗和相对敏感品系的棉蛉虫(Helicoverpa armigera)为试材,采用叶片蛋白
The crystal growth,x-ray diffraction patte,absorption spectrum,emission spectrum,and fluorescence lifetime of a Tb:Lu2O3 single crystal were studied.Excited at