镇江,位于长江下游南岸,物华天宝,山青水秀,人杰地灵,有着丰厚的文化底蕴,淳朴的社情民风,金山绮丽、焦山雄秀、北固险峻的自然风光,“白娘子水漫金山”、“刘备甘露寺招亲”的民间传奇故事和美丽传说,更是家喻户晓,使这座历史文化名城具有绚丽的人文色彩和深刻的文化内涵。 仲夏时节,这座城市迎来了一批担负着特殊使命的客人——6月19日到6月
Zhenjiang, located in the south bank of the lower reaches of the Yangtze River, Wuhua Tianbao, Shanqingshuixiu, outstanding people, has a rich cultural heritage, honest social customs, Jinshan Qi Li, Jiao Shan Xiong Xiu, Beigei steep natural scenery, “White Snake Water Jinshan” Ganlu Temple to recruit relatives, "the folk legend and beautiful legends, it is well-known, so that this historical and cultural city has a brilliant humanistic color and profound cultural connotation. Midsummer season, the city ushered in a group of guests with special mission - June 19 to June