(一)依据与增产原理 所谓“几何插秧法”就是把秧苗插后使株间形成多种几何图形的方法。它是根据“蜂巢”工程六边形的设计原理,昆虫复眼结构的特点,水稻本身自由生长能适应于蜂巢六边形,充分利用空间最合理的密植方式。水稻自由生长时丛生冠为圆形,只有圆形丛生冠叶片才能自动调节得最合理,光能利用率最高。根系发育也是圆形,土地利用率也最高。增
(A) based on the principle of increasing production The so-called “geometric seedling method” is the seedling inserted after the formation of a variety of geometric shapes between the methods. It is based on the “honeycomb” engineering hexagonal design principle, the characteristics of insect compound eye structure, the growth of rice itself can adapt to honeycomb hexagons, take full advantage of the most reasonable space close planting. When the rice grows freely, the cluster crown is round, only the round cluster crown blade can automatically adjust the most reasonable and the light energy utilization rate is the highest. Root development is also round, land utilization is also the highest. increase