为了了解港口机动车驾驶员的健康状况,加强其健康监护,我们对烟台港各类机动车驾驶员344人进行了健康检查,结果分析如下。 1.内容和方法 对象:烟台港自卸车、吊车、铲车、拖车、装载机、推土机、压路机、大货车、大客车、客货两用车、面包车、轿车等车辆驾驶员344人。 内容:一般内科检查,重点是神经系统、血液系统;视力、色觉、嗅觉;血常规、胸部透视等。 方法:血压、心肺、肝脾等内科检查,高血压的判断标准参照国内现行标准,收缩压≥21.3kPa及/或舒张压≥12.7kPa;神经系统以问诊为主,配合神经系统检查方法及三颤检查;血液系统问诊配合血常规检查,白细胞减少诊断标准参照高等医药院校内科教材WBC<4×10~9/L。
In order to understand the health status of the motor vehicle drivers in the port and strengthen their health surveillance, we conducted health checks on 344 motor vehicle drivers in Yantai Port. The results are analyzed as follows. 1. Contents and Methods Target: 344 vehicle drivers for Yantai Port dump trucks, cranes, forklifts, trailers, loaders, bulldozers, road rollers, large trucks, buses, vans, vans, and cars. Content: General medical examination, focusing on the nervous system, blood system; vision, color vision, sense of smell; blood routine, chest perspective, etc. Methods: Blood pressure, cardiopulmonary, liver and spleen and other medical examinations, the standard for the determination of hypertension refers to the current domestic standards, systolic blood pressure ≥ 21.3kPa and/or diastolic blood pressure ≥ 12.7kPa; the nervous system is mainly based on interviews, with neurological examination methods and Trichoblast examination; blood system interview with blood tests, leukopenia diagnostic criteria refer to higher medical colleges and universities internal medicine textbooks WBC<4×10~9/L.