【摘 要】
We review two studies examining task effects on eye guidance during reading.The first study investigated effects of reading perspective on eye behavior in readi
【机 构】
University of Turku
We review two studies examining task effects on eye guidance during reading.The first study investigated effects of reading perspective on eye behavior in reading.It demonstrated that both the initial encoding of words as well as the later integration stage of wrapping up the sentence meaning are influenced by the reading perspective.Early effects of reading perspective were observed both in saccadic programming and in fixation times and were primarily seen when reading a text of familiar content.In the second study, effects of reading task were examined by comparing eye movements between proofreading and reading for comprehension.Task effects appeared very early in the processing time line; both temporal and spatial aspects of eye movements were affected.Taking together, the two studies demonstrate that readers make a global adjustment to eye behavior on the basis of reading task or goal.
【摘要】 对于现代企业而言,薪酬管理是一把“双刃剑”。运用得好就能够吸引、留住和激励人才,为企业增强实力,而运用不好则会给企业带来危机。建立全面、科学的薪酬管理系统,对于企业在知识经济时代培育核心竞争能力和竞争优势,获得企业的可持续发展具有重要意义。不断调整和完善薪酬制度,是现代企业面临的一项紧迫任务。 【关键词】 人力资源;薪酬管理;存在问题;对策措施 一、前言 薪酬管理是企业管理者有效开
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